Boost your CBD store sales with Top CBD

Top CBD offers you various ways to increase your CBD store online visibility !


Our offers

Get your stored listed for free in just a few minutes by registering for a Standard account. Add your Top CBD vote button on your website to upgrade to a VIP account.

Go even further with the Premium offer, allowing you to, for example, add an image to your store entry in our ranks.

Top CBD Standard Standard

Register now and start appearing on Top CBD in less than 5 minutes. For free !
0 /mo
  • YesRegister your store
  • YesAppear in the new stores
  • YesAppear in your country ranks
  • YesAppear in worldwide ranks
  • NoMust add vote button
  • NoApproved by Top CBD
  • NoCollect votes
  • NoDisplay a banner
  • NoReceive 50 votes on monthly reset
  • NoReceive 0 votes each day
  • NoOffer a coupon code


Registered ? Add your Top CBD vote button to your website. You're now VIP !
0 /mo
  • YesRegister your store
  • YesAppear in the new stores
  • YesAppear in your country ranks
  • YesAppear in worldwide ranks
  • YesMust add vote button
  • YesApproved by Top CBD
  • YesCollect votes
  • YesDisplay a banner
  • YesReceive 50 votes on monthly reset
  • YesReceive 1 to 5 votes each day
  • NoOffer a coupon code

Top CBD Premium Premium

Go further and unlock all the features.
25 /mo
  • YesRegister your store
  • YesAppear in the new stores
  • YesAppear in your country ranks
  • YesAppear in worldwide ranks
  • YesMust add vote button
  • YesApproved by Top CBD
  • YesCollect votes
  • YesDisplay a banner
  • YesReceive 50 votes on monthly reset
  • YesReceive 10 to 10 votes each day
  • YesOffer a coupon code

Boostez votre notoriété dès aujourd'hui !

Les points de notoriété sont obtenus jour après jour, en fonction du nombre de votes reçus. Chaque 100 votes vous rapporte 10 points de notoriété. Vous souhaitez grimper dans le classement plus rapidement ?

Veuillez saisir le nombre de points de notoriété que vous souhaitez acheter:

Acheter 100 points pour 10€

Vos points de notoriété sont instantanément ajoutés à votre boutique dès reception du paiement.

CBD SEO formula

Top CBD also offers you a referencing offer, to boost your visibility not only on our platform, but also on search engines such as Google.

Your Shop Featured!

Boost the visibility of your brand by displaying your shop on the «Shop of the moment» page.

Your promo code, featured!

Where do our visitors go first when they are looking for a promo code? On our page dedicated to promotional codes! Your shop and promo code will appear in the section «Our selection».

Your products, featured!

How about displaying your products all over our platform ? With the SEO formula, your products may appear at different locations on our platform.

Boost your SEO! EN OPTION

All links to your shop present on Top CBD will be transformed from simple redirects into DOFOLLOW links. Benefit from multiple backlinks from a high authority site - win in notoriety to the eyes of search engines!

Top CBD on mobile, looking for the best CBD site

Top CBD, the easiest way to find the best shops around!

Boost your visibility today!

For how many months do you want to subscribe to the SEO formula?

Would you like the «Boost your SEO!» option?
Subscribe (150€)

Premium account offered for 12 months for any subscription of 12 months.

Warning: In order to benefit from the full functionality of the SEO formula, your Top CBD account must be premium.



12:00 PM | Aug 13


12:00 PM | Aug 13


Last seen: 2 hours ago
